Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Storyfy: FIBA Europe 2013: France - Litvania

During the FIBA Europe 2013 final game, Smart Basket used social media to tell the story of each of the exciting  moments from this game: 1st Quarter:  Litvania TG 2x hand off + slip p&r Kleiza with hot hands tonight 4/4 2nd Quarter: France dominate & outscored Litvania, Litvanian switch in zone and loost composure. Seems with Kleiza on the bench Litvania is wi/out scoring ideas Exelent contribution of France 2nd unit, w/out...

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Walkthrough:FIBA Eurochampion 2013 PG Analyse

There are 6 top European PG curently playing at ECh in Slovenia and also play/used to play in NBA. Analyse showed some interesting tendencies in PG's  game. The criteria what I've used are: number of posesions, pts per posesion, turnovers perc, long range shooting perc, @ the rim shooting perc, FT shooting  perc and mid range shooting percentages.The minimum number of possesions was 70. In category Number of  Possesions: The PG with most possesions is Dragic Goran, Slovenia. It's...

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